Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Hodge-podge of Christmas crapola

So does Santa come to the Ranch? I mean I guess the idea is kind of cute in theory, but it strikes me as a wee bit creepy. Or maybe she has some kids I don't know about. I am thinking about putting some cookies in the plate.

Even Olivia gets into the Christmas spirit around here!

Lastly, there is this amazing garland on the corkboard.

Yes, that is a Tinkerbell charm on her keys. Yes that is Hannah Montana. And yes that is JC from NSYNC up there.


Anonymous said...

Makes me want to burst into song, "I don't want to grow up....I'm a Toys R us kid."

Anonymous said...

How have I not seen the Olivia poster before?! The Santa plate is way creepy. And she is just putting up candid shots of her best friends on the bulletin board - totally normal!