Thursday, September 18, 2008

A mellow week

Last weekend I went to Arizona and while there, I met up with Doris. Afterwards Doris called Shirley and told her that she hung out with me. To which Shirley said "you ran into each other?" (Yeah dummy) "You have each other's numbers? I didn't know you guys talked. What was she doing there?" Me thinks that Shirley was maybe jealous? Mad that I talk to our ex-roommate more than her? Who knows. She is mental.

Nothing new to report. Things haven't changed much since I made Shirley cry. The damn dog is here, and even though it is getting cooler, the A/C is running more than ever it seems. Not quite sure what to do since being direct doesn't work with her nor does being passive aggressive. Any thoughts??


Anonymous said...

When it comes time to pay your share of the utilities, give her 1/3 instead of 1/2. Tell her Douchbag needs to kick in since he is there as much as you are.

Unknown said...

I agree with my mom!

Anonymous said...

Douchebag should be paying kennel fees (at least $20 per day) for Douchedog.

Amanda Quintana-Bowles said...

I agree with Mom, Dad and Sis on this one. Who writes the checks for the utilities?