Sunday, July 6, 2008

It's not my fault you are an idiot

Saturday morning I was going to cook some eggs (mmmm eggs) and spotted a bee. Fabulous. My cowboy killed it, then two more appeared. Wonderful. There were also some hovering out in the back and in the doghouse. I figure they came in when Shirley leaves the door open all night for the dogs to pee. Which is also safe. Incidentally, Douchebag was sleeping in Shirley's room (even though she was at work and he doesn't live here.)

Moving on. We leave The Ranch and call Shirley's dad (aka the landlord) and filled him in so he could take care of the situation.

We came back to find the following awesome note on the whiteboard. Unfortunately, I did not have my camera, so the following is a re-creation.

This little note made my day. Me hopes that Douchebag and her dad ran into one another. Preferably while Douchebag was making a sandwich or sleeping in her bed. I really enjoyed that the note was addressed to both of them. The reference to the feces was equally as enjoyable. Shirley is in trouble hahahahahaha sucker.

That night I got some passive aggressive/retarded texts from Shirley. Don't get mad at me cause you are retarded and got in trouble by your daddy.

I don't even have time for her.

1 comment:

messica said...


i love her dad!