Monday, February 2, 2009


I AM LEAVING THE RANCH!!!! Yeah buddy! More to follow but yeehaw!!

My last day at the Ranch will be March 3rd.

Giddy up!!


Jen said...

I bet she'll be so relieved to get rid of her evil, unreasonable tenant!! ;oP

Anonymous said...

It has been clearly established that she doesn't have the brains God gave her, so I'm betting that she will be shocked and surprised that you would possibly want to leave!

Unknown said...

I am so sorry that you have to leave such a beautiful and happy home. I understand the devastation you are feeling. Here's hoping that you will learn to sleep without the washer running at 3am, I know the transition will be difficult, but you are strong and will be able to get through it. Please know that your loving family supports you in this time of need. HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE. Love you!

Anonymous said...

I am thoroughly happy for you. Yet slightly concerned about the future of your blog - what are we going to do without it?! Therefore, I propose to you "Bitching from the Back Bay".

Amanda Quintana-Bowles said...

OH MY GOSH!!! Dude, this is teh r0X0rz!!11!!! I am so glad for you, but I too will miss the rants from the else will I get cool interior design tips? ;)